The Three Mossketeers – Mike Moss, John Cutrone & Hank Gruenberg - all members of the Sarasota Café Racers, spend a week in Italy preparing for the 2025 Mille Miglia. They represent TEAM ZORA USA @ MONZA!
Similar to a travel industry FAM (familiarization) trip, The Spirit of Zora ’57 FI Corvette driver Mike Moss and TEAM ZORA USA teammate, John Cutrone were joined by Hank “Tifosi” Gruenberg on this dream trip: Milano to Monza to Modena. As guests of Maserati Corse, the motorsport soul of th...
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World Endurance Championships (WEC)
Stephen Cox blogs about auto racing's long-standing tradition of grid girls being the next casualty in the war for political correctness.
It was early 2015 when the World Endurance Championships (WEC) got rid of them, and Formula 1 may be next. Director Ross Brawn of Liberty Media, the new controlling group of Formula 1, recently said that the tradition of grid girls is being reconsidered. For the uninitiated, “grid girls” are the pretty women who stand beside the racecars prior to many events ...
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