The history of Porsche and its unbeatable racecars is secondary compared with a primary focus on the smartest route to buying, maintaining and owning an iconic and yes, affordable, sports car in this very affordable book.
When’s the last time you saw Practically Free and/or Affordable in the same sentence, or even same paragraph, with Porsche? Especially the Porsche 911. If you’re like me that would probably be almost never! But all that changed after I read PORSCHE 911:THE PRACTICALLY FREE SU...
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Porsche Turbo
I came. I saw. I need a drink, blogs photojournalist Jim Palam, after spending five days of auto immersion on the Monterey Peninsula.
There’s no doubt that if you’re a Car Guy you must experience this high-octane week of automotive achievement, competition, celebration and extravagance. But be forewarned: bring comfortable shoes, lots of money, plenty of energy and a lot of patience. If you’re lucky, you’ll make it through Day One with enthusiasm intact for Day Two. Welcome to MONTEREY CAR WEEK...
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