Mike Matune represented the Car Guy Chronicles at the ninth-annual Concours d’Elegance and Motor Tour along the shores of the Choptank River in Maryland.
Held on the fairways of the River Marsh Golf Club at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay, the St. Michaels Concours d’Elegance Concours blends pre and postwar European and American classics into an eclectic mix of automotive art, all for the benefit of the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. Shot of the show field, top, gives you an idea of what ...
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We sent our friend Jim Palam to Monterey to come up with stuff not necessarily covered by the usual suspects. Palam never disappoints!
‘You Snooze You Lose.’ Peter Inshaw's '63 Alfa Giuliett Spider 1600 and friend in the pits
at Laguna Seca Mazda Raceway on Saturday.
‘It's A Gamble.’ #22 BMW 3.5 CSL makes an unplanned early departure from Laguna
Seca Saturday afternoon. Ouch!
'Available In Mobster Black.’ Talk about attitude: This '62 Dual Ghia L6.4 Coupe held court in the outside s...
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