Conceived by Hurst’s Jack “Doc” Watson as personal transportation for George Hurst, Olds turned his one-off Concept into a Supercar legend.
Some of the brightest engineering minds in the industry created the only GM midsize car powered by a rules-bending 455-inch engine. In 1968, GM policy still limited the displacement of engines in midsize models to 400 cubic inches. However, corporate policymakers turned a blind eye to Oldsmobile’s rogue 455-inch Cutlass: 455 HURST-OLDS: LANSING’S EXECUTIVE E...
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Olds 442
The Matunes brave torrential rains to bring us coverage of one of the highest quality Concours in the U.S.
For the first time in its 22-year history, the Radnor Hunt Concours d’Elegance suffered a rain event of epic proportions on show day. While boots, raincoats and umbrellas became de rigueur, and it may have dampened some of the enthusiasm among exhibitors and spectators, it certainly didn’t extinguish it. “This is fitting tribute to what Mike Tillson, the Concours Staff and legions of volun...
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